Student Spotlight: Alyssa Kyle

The College Fund of Pinellas County, Inc. would like to highlight our scholarship recipients who are doing amazing things in the classroom, on their campuses, and in the community!
Next up in our student spotlight... Meet Alyssa Kyle!

Alyssa is a student at the University of Southern California where she’s majoring in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and minoring in Business. Since beginning her college journey on the opposite coast, she’s worked as a student manager for USC’s Recreational Centers. Through this opportunity, Alyssa has assumed a professional leadership role and gained life-long friends. She’s also the Director of Photography for Haute Magazine — it’s a student-run arts, fashion, and culture publication at her university. Alyssa says her time working for the magazine has been fulfilling because she’s been able to realize her true passions and talents!

Alyssa is thankful for the scholarship because it’s alleviated a significant financial burden that additional college expenses often bring.

"Thanks to College Fund, I have the financial security to purchase my necessary course materials and this sets me up to succeed,” she said.

Final thoughts: "As a recipient of the College Fund scholarship, I am more than a name and a face. I have become a part of the College Fund community, which consists of fellow recipients, alumni, and board members. Within this network, I have access to additional resources and support systems. The annual College Fund banquet is always exciting, as it is a chance to connect with other students and share our college journeys!"

We are so proud of you Alyssa!


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